Technology is great. Complicated codes, equations, numbers and abstract concepts are all mixed together, in a pot of some sort, to make a product that makes life easy, like SharePoint. At least that’s how someone who does not understand the complicated world of technology would describe it. A techy or an analytics junkie might go into detail to explain just how these codes, equations, and abstract concepts come together. They also might explain that a pot of any sort is excluded from this complex process. In any case, both the analytics junkies and the business minds are using SharePoint to accomplish extraordinary goals. However, it is only natural for these different types of brains to gravitate towards their own kind. The days of the cafeteria tables being divided by cliques go far beyond the awkward high school years. In businesses these divides are evident: the IT and business department go head to head as they hold different priorities and perspectives.

The tension is often so thick, conflict is inevitable; the only remaining question is in regards to who will be the first to fling the mashed potatoes and start an epic food-fight. These feuds are consequential as it is crucial for all to engage, collaborate and work together in order to accomplish SharePoint projects. Excluding the corny cliches and sing-along associated with the typical teen film that ends with students realizing that they are better when they work together; this eBook will address the challenges that IT and Business users face within SharePoint, and propose solutions using analytics and engagement/collaboration technologies to overcome these barriers in order to drive productivity within SharePoint and the greater enterprise.
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