Use CardioLog GO --================================ -- archive Events --================================ declare @cuttingEventId bigint declare @batchSize int = 1000 declare @rowCount int = 1 declare @totalRows int = 0 declare @cuttingDate datetime -- Edit start date for archiving, format is YYYYMMDD -- The script will archive events with timestamp < @cuttingDate set @cuttingDate = 'YYYY-MM-DD' -- YYYY-MM-DD usage data earlier that this date will be archived for example '2017-01-01' will archive any data before 2017. select top 1 @cuttingEventId = EventLogId from tab_event_log with(nolock) where Timestamp < @cuttingDate order by Timestamp desc print @cuttingEventId set nocount on begin try while Exists (select 1 from tab_event_log with(nolock) where timestamp < @cuttingDate ) begin begin tran -- delete a batch from tab_event_log_archive delete tab_event_log_users OUTPUT DELETED.* into tab_event_log_users_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId -- delete a batch from tab_event_log_archive delete tab_event_log OUTPUT DELETED.EventLogId, DELETED.EntityId, DELETED.EntityType, DELETED.EventType, DELETED.Url, DELETED.UserName, DELETED.SessionId, DELETED.Timestamp, DELETED.Param1, DELETED.Param2, DELETED.Param3, DELETED.QueryString, DELETED.Created, DELETED.FromEventId, DELETED.SPLocation, DELETED.flyweightId, DELETED.ToEventId, DELETED.CategoryFlyweightId, DELETED.browserType, DELETED.clientIP, DELETED.SearchURL, DELETED.WorkStationIP into tab_event_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId delete tab_geo_log OUTPUT DELETED.EventLogId, DELETED.countryCode, DELETED.userName, DELETED.timestamp, DELETED.sessionId, DELETED.workStationId, DELETED.region,, DELETED.categoryCountryCode, DELETED.categoryRegion, DELETED.categoryCity into tab_geo_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId delete tab_goal_test_log OUTPUT DELETED.* into tab_goal_test_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId delete tab_test_log OUTPUT DELETED.* into tab_test_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId delete tab_referrer_log OUTPUT DELETED.* into tab_referrer_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId delete tab_goal_log OUTPUT DELETED.* into tab_goal_log_archive where eventlogid between @cuttingEventId - @batchSize and @cuttingEventId set @cuttingEventId = @cuttingEventId - @batchSize commit tran end end try begin catch /*alter table tab_event_log_users check constraint FK_tab_event_log_tab_event_log_users */ declare @errormessage nvarchar(4000), @errornumber int, @errorseverity int, @errorstate int, @errorline int, @errorprocedure nvarchar(200); select @errornumber = error_number(), @errorseverity = error_severity(), @errorstate = error_state(), @errorline = error_line(), @errorprocedure = isnull(error_procedure(), '-'); select @errormessage = N'error %d, level %d, state %d, procedure %s, line %d, ' + 'message: '+ error_message(); if (xact_state()) <> 0 begin rollback tran end raiserror ( @errormessage, @errorseverity, 1, @errornumber, @errorseverity, @errorstate, @errorprocedure, @errorline ); end catch