SharePoint & Microsoft 365 On-Premise Analytics Solution

CardioLog Analytics is the only On-Premise analytics solution designed for all versions of SharePoint On-Premise (Subscription Edition, 2019, 2016, 2013), SharePoint Online (Microsoft 365), Viva Engage (Yammer), and Hybrid deployments. It enables you to improve the usability of your intranet, engage your users, drive portal collaboration, boost your ROI, and enhance the overall productivity of your business.

Top On-prem Features

Built for SharePoint

Get the solution that’s designed for your site

CardioLog Analytics is designed specifically for use with Microsoft SharePoint sites – including intranet portals, extranet, and websites. This means it can provide accurate and insightful information about your SharePoint usage, based on the structure and content of your site.
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On-Premises and Hybrid Solutions

Enjoy complete control of your data

CardioLog Analytics offers you complete hands-on control of all aspects of your site. When you use our analytics tools as an On-Premises solution, all data is stored within the confines of your organization, ensuring data privacy and giving you complete ownership of all the analytics information collected. CardioLog Analytics can also function as a SaaS solution, taking advantage of cloud-based resources.
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SharePoint Social Reports

Understand Your Site’s Social Collaboration

Social collaboration on SharePoint is at its prime with SharePoint Subscription Edition, SharePoint 2019, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online providing a variety of tools to encourage collaboration, engagement, and portal productivity. Find out the most crucial details about users’ interaction on SharePoint Social with reports on user activity, influential users, most popular content and shared content, community activity, and even how many followers content or users may have. You can get a sense of who your social evangelists are, what content is dominating user interest, and how to optimize your portal and social site to boost efficiency and maximize results
Custom Dashboards

Personalize your control panel

You can create dashboards, customize them according to the difference needs of your various employees and partners, and filter them to show the most relevant data.
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Content Drilldown

Get down to the nitty-gritty

Drill down into a specific section or sub-section of your site, even down to the level of single pages and documents, for a richly detailed analysis. Our easy-to-use tools allow you to see at a glance which content is performing well and what might be letting you down.
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JavaScript Tracking Tool

Automatically deliver customized content

CardioLog Analytics’ JavaScript-based page tracking provides the ability to track a person’s activity on your site. It also enables you to display in real time a whole range of personalized content designed to engage that user’s interest. We also offer an additional tracking mechanism that monitors activity like document views and updates and deletions of content on your site.
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Integration with Active Directory and SharePoint User Profiles

Easily create visitor segments based on organizational data

CardioLog Analytics automatically imports information of the employees and partners who use your intranet portal, thanks to its seamless integration with the data stored in Active Directory and SharePoint user profiles. This enables you to easily filter and control the scope of your reports and to create visitor segments that can be used to deliver personalized content.content is performing well and what might be letting you down.
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Real-time Reporting

Know what’s happening on your site – now

Get real-time reports on activity on your site even within the past hour, thanks to CardioLog Analytics’ advanced data-processing engine. Combined with reports on banner clicks and email referrals, CardioLog Analytics is a perfect platform for monitoring how your campaigns are faring.
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Enterprise-level Reporting

Synthesize complex data from different sources

Get aggregate data from all of your SharePoint sites and farms. CardioLog Analytics centralizes this wide-scale reporting within a single interface, making a whole range of detailed information easily accessible.
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Easy Deployment

Benefit from fast-thinking technology

With the CardioLog Analytics configuration wizard, the deployment of page tagging and the reporting engine is quick and easy. CardioLog enables the JavaScript tracking code to be installed on all of your farm pages – a solution that includes a farm-scoped SharePoint feature, which can be easily activated or deactivated according to your needs.
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Report Display within SharePoint

See reports within your own SharePoint site

Displaying CardioLog Analytics reports within your own sub-site means you can make recommendations to your users in real time, based on data such as the most popular documents. There are three different ways to display CardioLog reports on your site, ranging from a simple web part solution requiring no programming effort, through to a sophisticated developer API.
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Intelligent Reporting

Portal Visitors Reports

Get close to the people who use your site

Our visitor reports for intranet portals display not only the trends in how your users make use of your site, but also an actual list of individual people, based, in the case of authenticated users, on their username, and otherwise on their cookie ID. You can hone in on specific users and see their personal profile and activity on your site.
SharePoint Search Reports

Understand how your search facility is being used

You can analyze how people are using your intranet search engine, thanks to CardioLog Analytics’ support for SharePoint Search Server. Our wide range of SharePoint search reports offer insight into your search engine, telling you who’s conducting searches, how often, what they are looking for and whether they find it.
Site-content Reports

Learn exactly how your content is being used

Thanks to CardioLog Analytics’ familiarity with the content and structure of your site, it can provide rich, accurate reports on a whole range of metrics – from highlighting the most popular documents and the number of page views, to pinpointing the days and hours when your site is busiest.
Site-navigation Reports

Follow the trail left by your users

Monitor the route your users take through your site – and discover how they arrived in the first place. CardioLog Analytics monitors your users’ browsing behavior from every angle: What referred them to your site? How did they get there? What path did they take through the site? Which page did they land on, and which did they exit from?
Goal Tracking and Funnels

Evaluate how well your site is doing its job

With CardioLog Analytics you can use goals and funnels to measure how good your site is at its job. You can establish goals to track specific actions people take on your site – such as downloading a document or posting a comment on your forum – and use a funnel to specify a path you expect them to take to achieve that goal. CardioLog Analytics can track the point at which people enter and exit that route, and whether they continue to the final goal.
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Administrative and Audit Reports

Monitor the modifications and growth of your content

See just how fast your site is growing, thanks to CardioLog Analytics administrative and audit reports. You can see at a glance how many items your site includes, who’s contributing the most content, how many additions and deletions have been made to the content of your site, and which documents are being modified and by whom.

Rigorous Analysis

Automatic Content Grouping

Compare the impact of each page

CardioLog Analytics provides default grouping based on a SharePoint site structure. This means you can select certain pages or parts of your site and treat them as one unit, to see how each page in a content group is being used and, more importantly, whether each page in the group is encouraging your users to continue clicking to the next page – or is making them lose interest.
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Visitor Segmentation

Divide your users to target their specific needs

CardioLog Analytics segments your users based on their demographics (job title, department, region, etc.) and their actions in the portal (number of posts created or read, level of influence, number of visits, bounce rate, etc.) to allow you to personalize your approach to your users based on their experience and involvement in the portal.
Visitor Profiling and Scoring

Identify your most valuable users

CardioLog Analytics automatically builds a comprehensive profile for each of your users, depicting their entire behavioral history on your site – from the keywords they have entered in a search engine, to details they have filled in on a registration form. It’s also possible to assign a behavioral score to each user, based on both demographic information and on their online activity, allowing you to see who your most valuable users might be.
Import of IIS Log Files

Get your hands on historic data

To take the long view, you can view usage reports on historic data from before the implementation of the CardioLog Analytics tracking agent. IIS log files can be imported and become available for reporting once they have been processed, analyzed and linked to the structure of your site.
Report Filtering by Content Types and Metadata

Powerfully filter your data

Because it is familiar with the content of your site, CardioLog Analytics allows your reports to be filtered by content type – such as pages, news articles, sites, blogs, documents, list items – and by content metadata - such as document type, publish date, author, categories, tags, departments involved, and content status - giving you greater control and flexibility when it comes to your data.
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Advanced Tracking

Document-usage Tracking

Discover how your documents are being used

CardioLog Analytics provides data on how, when and by whom your documents are being used, enabling you to monitor and analyze all users’ clicks on the document links that appear on your site. It’s also possible to track document usage from within Microsoft Office.
Accurate Time-on-site Reports

Find out how long people really spend on your site

To calculate the amount of time a person spends on your site, most analytics tools rely on measuring the time between visits to your various pages – an inaccurate method that skews the data. The CardioLog Analytics tracking code, on the other hand, fires “pulse” events every few seconds, until the user leaves the page, allowing for a more accurate, useful calculation.
Data-collection Filters

Hone in on the relevant details

Easily create a black list that establishes a set of rules for data you don’t want to be included in your CardioLog Analytics reports, to eliminate irrelevant details. Such information could include, for example, the activity of a certain visitor during a specific time frame, or data on activity coming from a specific IP address.
Browser-interaction Reports

Capture clicks on Flash players and Silverlight controls

Track your users’ interaction with web components like Adobe Flash Player or Microsoft Silverlight. By using the CardioLog Analytics client API, our tracking agent can identify any action performed within these components.

Flexible Sharing Options

Setting Roles and Permissions

Control access to your information

You can set different levels of report permissions for people and groups within your organization, ensuring that the right people have access to the right data. It’s also possible to assign roles to individuals and groups, limiting their access to various CardioLog Analytics modules.
Scheduling and Email Distribution

Automatically share fresh data

Easily schedule your CardioLog Analytics reports to run automatically every day, week, month or year, and send an automated email to a predefined distribution list, alerting people that a new version of a report has been created. The email includes a link to the report, and the data in the report is automatically refreshed.

Visitor Engagement


Ask your users what they think

CardioLog Analytics surveys offer a way of accessing valuable feedback from your users on how to improve your site and your organization as a whole. A personalized pop-up box on the page enables you to approach a user and ask if they found what they were looking for, or what they think of your organization.
Message Bars

Capture your users’ attention

With CardioLog Analytics, you can easily create personalized message bars on the page header for your entire organization or you can target specific departments or users by only displaying the message bar on their specific SharePoint pages. Engage your users with a question or prompt them to take action or complete a task with a message and a link to a new page on the site.

Complete Extendability

Extended Tracking (Data Collection API)

Use the client-side API, or send server- side usage events

CardioLog Analytics’ intelligent tracking agent exposes a client-side API for sending custom events and easily monitoring your users as they click on a button or a banner, play videos, or interact with other types of UI components. It’s also possible to send server-side usage events, such as the page being viewed, the duration of the visit, or search activity, and to track the URL of the referrer page.
Data Export API

Benefit from a flexible report display

Display CardioLog Analytics reports within your own sub-site with our data export API, which enables you to expand CardioLog in dynamic ways. You can use it to retrieve data programmatically and then utilize it within other applications.
Custom Reports

Take charge of your data

CardioLog Analytics reports are user-friendly, flexible and can be customized to meet your organization’s specific needs. As well as dictating the exact scope of the data, you’re in control of its visual appearance, including the type of chart, and can determine exactly who has access to the report and how frequently it is scheduled to run. Reports can be further customized with our SDK, to include data from additional datasets in your organization, or to further modify the report’s appearance.

Speak the local lingo

CardioLog Analytics provides translation of your user interface into other languages – English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. And it’s easy to add another language or change existing texts through our language XML files.
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