CardioLog Analytics
Consultation Program
Learn how to leverage analytics to enhance your
SharePoint/Microsoft 365 portal with a program track of your choice
Sessions are available on the following topics:
Each of the programs listed above includes a series of four live sessions, ranging from one hour to two hours per session. During the first consultation, we’ll explore the topic at hand, and investigate your specific challenges and goals around SharePoint/Microsoft 365, Portals and CardioLog Analytics.
The second session will be spent building custom dashboards, in your environment, based on the requirements discussed during the previous session. Where relevant, we’ll also look at areas like Visitor Engagement (campaigns to engage users, asking them what their needs and pain points are, and what’s not working for them), Visitor Segments, Goals, and Templates. This dashboard-building stage can be conducted as a live session, or our experts can configure your reports on their own, depending on what is more convenient for you.
During the third session, we’ll discuss how to interpret your data, and the various next steps that you can take based on the information gathered in your reports. The fourth and final meeting is a Q&A session, designed to answer any outstanding questions.